BeckE_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
I have learned many things from this project. First I learned how to work a Lumix camera: how to record or how to enhance the lighting. The second thing I learned was how to create a funny joke: how to create a punchline or material for the joke. The third thing I learned was how to import media into an imovie event. The fourth thing I learned was how to increase or decrease the size of the timeline in imovie. Finally I learned how to create a gif in photoshop.
Padding is extra footage at the begining and end of your video to make sure that nothing is cut off of your video. Padding also makes your videos flow together smoother. Padding your clips is crucial because if you don't pad your clips something like audio or action could be cut of. This is important because you may have to go back and redo the clip if there is no padding connected. Padding clips is a crucial thing to include in a video.
My biggest weakness was time to film the b-roll. This was a big weakness because without time you can't get anything done. I didn't have time because I am busy everyday of the week with soccer and other family things. Another weakness was the people in my video had almost no time. My strengths were experience with imovie editing. I have experience because in my school last year they taught us all about imovie. Ways for me to improve would be to plan a time to film the b-roll clips or to plan a time to film with others in the video.